Step 1: Get Counselling On Your Choices
Do an aptitude test and get course and university choice advice from an experienced Guidance Counsellor, then choose your course and target university.
Check out Succeed by Immerse Education where you can sign up for a free account today.
UniPrepare offers university application support services aimed at maximising your chances of getting into your dream university. Access university application support from our team of experts.
Access our on-demand online courses on applying to UK and US universities, which guide you through the entire process.
Get comprehensive, tailored support on every aspect of your university application from a team of extraordinary experts and academic minds.
We support students with components of their university applications, such as personal statements, admissions tests and interviews.
Interested? Sign up to Succeed by Immerse Education
Build evidence of wider reading and subject exploration through private or group tutoring by a world class tutor.
Our team of experts have extensive experience in preparing students for the challenging admissions tests required for some universities.
Get comprehensive, tailored support for every aspect of your university application from a team of extraordinary experts and academic minds. This results in a much better chance of gaining entry to some of the world’s top universities, as well as more rounded and prepared students.
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